Wedding Martoca Beach Garden - Cara & Emmanuel

The wedding at Martoca Beach Garden of Cara & Emmanuel was a great time. Although the summer’s sky wasn’t as clear as it comes on November, we had a cloudless evening that allowed me to play with the reflections of the pool in the sunset. But before speaking of the night, I should mention that the day was full of emotions, from Emanuel’s tears, his father’s ones, or the strong hugs of Cara to his new family. Those unique moments that we like to remember forever. It is said that men should not cry, but it’s not true, and how nice it is to see a man mourn for love in his statement, see that every word transcends, it is not easy to witness, capture those tears into photography, you feel like to want to part aside and respect the emotion in a so intimate moment, but as a photographer I have to shut down my emotions, let them get to me, and transform them into strength to get closer to the core of a person and do my job as a family historian.

Another detail that will let me a special memory is the Cara’s twin. It is not common to have a wedding with twins, and I must confess it was fun. I would like to have a full day to a session devoted especially to them, or ideally, having twins that took decision to marry the same day. For those who read this and have the twin and the opportunity to do it so, put down the idea!

It was a real pleasure to work for Cara & Emmanuel, an exceptional and very loving couple, so easy to have the good shots when so many emotions are there. Our best wishes at the start of their life together!

Barbara Wedding Planner: Weddings Vallarta by Barbara

Martoca Beach Garden: